理由是: The general education curriculum is designed to assure that each graduate of 西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 has achieved a broad educational foundation that includes meaningful engagement with the principal areas of human inquiry. The knowledge and skills derived from this broad-based education are the mark of an educated person, 并帮助学生为毕业后的生活做好准备. 学生 select courses from a range of choices which satisfy requirements of the general education program. 学生 are encouraged to satisfy some requirements through upper-division courses (300-level). 追求荣誉学位的学生应参考荣誉课程的要求.

通识教育连接课程:  西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 seeks to fulfill its mission of preparing students for their lives and vocations through a rich array of curricular and co-curricular offerings. Each candidate for graduation is required to satisfy the following requirements; no single course may satisfy more than one general education requirement. The General Education Program connects students to the four main goals of the institution’s Mission Statement that aspires to graduate broadly educated men and women who:

  • 批判性和创造性地思考,
  • 有效沟通,
  • 以负责任的态度行事
  • 透过服务展现他们的本地及世界公民意识.

Before graduating each candidate is required to satisfy the following distribution requirements; no single course may satisfy more than one general education requirement.

  • 书面表达(3-8小时)


    A grade of C or better is required in Composition I and II and Fundamentals of Human Communication.

    • 英语101,写作I(3学时.) (unless waived on the basis of test scores and high school composition grades) OR INDS 106, 第一年研讨会(4小时.)

    学习结果: 成功完成课程后:

    1. 作文: The student will compose coherent essays in response to a variety of rhetorical situations.
    2. 写作过程: The student will be able to complete the stages required to produce competent writing through planning, 起草, 修改, 和编辑.
    3. 语法和用法: 学生将能够展示标准书面英语的能力, 包括语法, 语法, 和力学.
    • 英语102,写作II(3学时.)或INDS 102,第一年研讨会/写作II(4小时).)

    学习者成果(2018年5月8日修订): 成功完成课程后:

    1. 修辞: The student will be able to compose complex persuasive arguments regarding controversial public issues, 使用适当的第二手资料, 而且是故意设计来吸引特定的人
    2. 研究: The student will be able to plan and conduct appropriate self- directed research on controversial public issues using a variety of strategies, e.g. 主要研究,电子,在线和/或印刷研究. The student will be able to demonstrate an engagement in the evaluation of the coherence and logical consistency of argumentative writing.
    3. 文档: 学生 incorporate sources ethically and appropriately in accor跳舞 with assigned citation format.
    • Capstone Writing Course: Successfully complete an approved departmental senior seminar or writing course (courses satisfying this requirement will be noted in the course descriptions of the college catalog).

    通识教育学生成果:  成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 内容开发: 使用相关和引人注目的内容来说明对主题的掌握, 传达作者的理解, 并将工作的所有元素统一在一个逻辑框架中.
    2. 来源和证据: 展示高质量的熟练使用和归属, 可信的, and relevant evidence to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.
    3. 语法和机制的控制: Use graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, 而且几乎没有错误.

    特定学科的学习者成果:  成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 背景和学科惯例: Demonstrates a thorough understand of rhetorical context for the work within the conventions of a specific discipline with attention to audience, 目的, 组织, 内容, 演讲, 格式化, 以及风格选择.
  • 实验探究(3-7小时)
    • 两门物理或生物科学的实验课程.S. 学位或其他专业被列为B级.S.
    • 一门物理或生物科学的实验课程.A. 或米.E学位(3小时.) INDS 112第一年研讨会/实验科学满足一门实验科学课程. (4小时.)

    实验性探究性学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 运用科学领域的基本概念和/或理论;
    2. Apply an evidence-based problem-solving approach which moves from problem identification, 识别因果因素, 以证据为基础的解决方案建议, 对结果的评估.
    3. Demonstrate the use of the basic tools and techniques of the scientific discipline; and
    4. 采用循证决策方法, 识别框架和驱动决策制定的要素.
  • 宗教与哲学探究(6-7小时)
    • 一门宗教课程(3小时).)或INDS 111第一年研讨会/宗教

    学习成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. The student will be able to think critically about classical and contemporary religious questions and articulate their relationship to the study of the liberal arts.
    • 一门哲学课程(3小时.)或INDS 110第一年研讨会/哲学

    哲学学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. The student will be able to think critically about philosophical questions in light of classical/contemporary responses to them.
  • 美学表达(3-4小时)
    • 从艺术中选择一门美术(art -265除外),学习三个学期, 跳舞, 音乐或戏剧, INDS 107第一年研讨会/美术或英语-213, 创意写作导论(选项:一门3小时. course; one 2-hr. 课程和1小时. performance credit in the same general discipline; three 1-hr. 同一学科的成绩学分)

    审美表达学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 参与创作过程,通过艺术创作或通过艺术分析.
  • 文化研究(6-7小时)
    • 一门指定的美国文化研究课程(3小时).) as noted in the college catalog or semester course schedule or INDS 109 First Year Seminar/US Cultural Studies

    美国文化研究学生成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 识别压迫的模式, 排除, 和/或美国边缘群体的抵抗;
    2. 分析文化, 材料, and/or socio政治 implications of historical or contemporary marginalization in the United States.
    • 一门指定的非西方文化研究课程(3小时).) as noted in the college catalog or semester course schedule OR INDS 108 First Year Seminar/Non-Western Cultural Studies

    非西方文化研究: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 识别非西方社会的价值观和文化元素;
    2. 分析和解释特定课程的语言元素, 政治, 社会, 经济, 或非西方社会的文化体系.


    • 一门课程选自:
      • exsc110,私人电话 & 社区卫生(3小时.)
      • exsc130,私人电话 & 社区卫生(3小时.)
      • EXSC 120,女性健康(3小时.)
      • EXSC 201,学校健康(3小时.)
      • EXSC 121,终身健康(3小时.)
      • EXSC 240,人类营养基础(3小时.)
      • INDS 105,第一年研讨会/健康(4小时.)

    身心健康学习成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 能够区分健康和不健康的行为.
    2. Demonstrate the above outcome through application of healthy behaviors to lifestyle choices.
    3. Articulate healthy lifestyle choices through written or verbal communication with a client, 教授, 或者其他个人.
  • 口语表达(3-4小时)
    • COMM 211,人类交流基础(3小时.或INDS 103第一年研讨会/人际沟通(4小时.)

    口语表达学习者成果:   成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. Demonstrate communication competence in public speaking, interpersonal, and/or small group settings.
    2. Demonstrate an increase in their communication confidence through a decrease in communication apprehension.
  • 定量调查(3-4小时)


    • 一门数学课程(100级或以上,数学112、141、203或205除外)(3小时).或PSYC 225,社会科学统计学入门(3小时).或PSYC 230统计/社会科学方法论(4小时).),或INDS 114第一年研讨会/量化调查(4小时).)

    量化探究型学习者成果(2017年1月19日修订): 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 用符号、视觉、数字和语言表示定量信息.
    2. Use or develop appropriate quantitative methods to solve both formulaic and non-formulaic problems.
    3. 解释定量模型,如公式, 图, 表, 电子表格, 和图表, 并从中得出推论.
    4. 正确识别数值误差, 对图表和数据的误解, 以及其他量化方法上的失误.
  • 人文学科(6-7小时)
    • INDS 120,人文概论(3小时.) (to be taken during the freshman or sophomore year) OR INDS 116 First Year Seminar/Humanities

    人文学科学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. Describe vocabulary and tools of inquiry both distinctive of and common to various art forms.
    2. 使用适当的词汇和探究工具分析艺术作品的例子.
    3. 用证据支持对一件艺术品的解释.
    4. 反思你对这些作品的个人反应如何影响你的世界观.
    5. 通过人文学科的研究,提出一个解决当代问题的方法
    • 一门文学课程(3小时).)或INDS 113第一年研讨会/文学

    文学学习者成果: Upon successful completion of the course the student will through a combination of written and oral responses be able to:

    1. 通过细读展示对文章的理解能力.
    2. Examine literary texts within course-specific historical, aesthetic, or cultural contexts.
  • 社会科学(6-7小时)
    • 一门100或200级的历史课程,HIST 201除外(3小时).)或INDS 117第一年研讨会/历史

    历史学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 识别,检查和解释历史背景的元素.
    2. 认识到对历史的相互矛盾的解释.
    3. Evaluate and integrate types of historical sources including popular, academic, primary and/or
    • 选修一门刑事司法课程, 经济学, 地理位置, 性别研究, 政治科学, 心理学, 或社会学(3小时).或INDS 104,第一年研讨会/社会科学(4小时).)

    社会科学学习者成果: 成功完成课程后,学生将能够:

    1. 理解: 识别, 定义, 并描述关键概念, 有关人类行为的主题和/或问题, 社会互动, 和机构.
    2. 应用程序: Analyze and evaluate the complexities of human behavior, 社会互动, 和机构.
  • 通识教育课程概述


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